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uni5 section a 第一课时课件

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Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show? Section A en.12999.comSurvey:Do you like watching TV?Do you want to watch a game show?Look at the picture and answer: What kind of TV show is it?game showTell?it?like?it?is?《实话实说》talk?show?脱口秀en.12999.comtalent show 才艺节目 news 新闻sports showssoap opera 肥皂剧sitcom  (situation comedy)情景喜剧en.12999.com1a Match the TV show with the pictures (a-g) 1.talk show   ___  2 .soap opera ___3. sports show ___  4. sitcom ___5. game show ___  6. talent show __7. news ___dbacegf __ talent show __ talk show __soccer game__ news31421b Listening1c What do these faces mean?Lovelikedon’t minddon’t likecan’t stand忍受What do you think of talk shows?en.12999.comWhat do you think of sports shows?What do you think of soap operas? 1. think of 认为   What do you think of…?  =How do you like …?   你认为/觉得。。。怎么样?What do you think of Chinese food?= How do you like Chinese food?I like it…Explanation __ sitcoms        __ news __ game shows     __ talk shows __ soap operas 1451b Listening232a  Listen again. 1.Sally likes towatch_______________________2.Lin Hui thinks she can learn __


uni5 section a 第一课时课件
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